Are you looking for a lawyer?
A lawyer for your case!

Attorney at Law - Solecitor - Lawyer Marcin Szmigiel Rzeszów - I help clients with their legal problems. For personal and business matters. I will help you divorce and divide your property. I defend the accused. Obtains high accident compensation. Serves business. how I can help you


See why it is worth using my services

What makes me different?

adwokat rozwody

Knowledge and experience

I have been operating in the legal market for over a dozen years. I handled many cases, many clients. I've seen a lot in the courtroom. Thanks to this, I know how to look for effective solutions and fight for the client



I don't close myself off to conversations with clients. For my client, I am available and ready to help. I know how important communication is


Involvement client case

I know how important your legal problem is to you. For the client, I fight for his interest in the process. I defend this interest. I'm looking for the best solution


Professionalism and clear rules

I act in a professional manner with attention to the client's interests. I respect his needs and interests. I help in an honest and transparent way.

Let's get to know each other

Who am I?


Attorney – Solecitor – Lawyer Marcin Szmigiel – Rzeszów

The law firm I run provides a wide range of legal services, offering full legal services for clients’ personal and business matters.

My main goal is to solve the client’s legal problems. I achieve this goal by providing you with legal advice at the highest level.

Thanks to my knowledge and many years of experience, I try to find a legal solution in even difficult situations.

I invite you to contact me personally

I speak English and German.


adwokat marcin szmigiel rzeszow
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adwokat sprawy karne oszustwo
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dobry adwokat sprawy karne
adwokat rzeszow dobry
ANXAkqGC7TzBSTuqn8GQSRK7MTPqMyrgVur2B P88LST6Ut50tSLc0buf7peuzpuF15xnMz9FxmZUWVxdbs6Ptlg5QlzgeRVA7RV6Q=s1600 w300 h300
Na podstawie 36 opinii
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ACg8ocLOv5 GFJAxj4dyfdVBMyuH2A8Sq5tk9CXRmGe3K6SOD43mg=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moBartlomiej Ralowski
19:40 02 Oct 24
Szczerze polecam mecenasa Pana Marcina. Jestem pod dużym wrażeniem jego profesjonalizmu. Wykazał się bardzo dobrą wiedzą prawniczą. Był zawsze dostępny, a w odpowiedzi na moje pytania przedstawiał wszystkie możliwe opcje rozwiązania problemu. Pełen profesjonalizm.
ALV UjW WHx0r0LCqhREZvSz5VcAGckXhW0IZTrIJji4sF5o Lo5St5AXA=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moKarolina Kalandyk
13:09 02 Aug 24
Z całego serca polecam mojego mecenasa. Jest niezwykle skuteczny, profesjonalny i zawsze gotowy do pomocy. Dzięki niemu czuję się bezpiecznie i mam pewność, że moja sprawa jest w najlepszych rękach. Jak dla mnie, numer jeden w mieście!
ACg8ocIt33GKyqi3MaZmu9KKRzET11KES5NECSL 2zmiT6n1Pj6 Zg=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moGrzegorz Żurawski
14:09 23 May 24
Jestem bardzo zadowolony ze współpracy z Panem Marcinem. Profesjonalne podejście do sprawy, szeroka wiedza, pełne zaangażowanie oraz dyspozycyjność. Pan Adwokat chętnie odpowiadał mi na wszystkie pytania, przedstawiając przy tym możliwe rozwiązania. Kontakt wzorowy.Sprawa z wydziału karnego.Polecam w 100%
ACg8ocIWNvlGohI2uk6ZltRU4o8GHUsvFgr7bxgAXQk2ioHXbYX91sc=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moLena Stashkiv
09:28 17 May 24
Polecam!! Profesjonalne podejście do klienta. Pan Marcin to wielki człowiek, który zna odpowiedzi na wszystkie pytania. Szybko i sprawnie znajdzie wyjście z każdej sytuacji. gorąco polecam! 10/10
ACg8ocK3c0s L4 jGagr8iibtyaFsBzzKnuX1DxD mFc 2kTeh A=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moKinga Pa
19:30 15 May 24
Najlepszy adwokat na PodkarpaciuZ całego serca polecam Kancelarię Adwokacką Pana Marcina!
ALV UjWSiEcc AOR8emLnen3ZSRdaCYABSpuyBsRHxiTbp4jKbdXb9qe=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moRichard Silvester
18:36 15 May 24
Gorąco polecam Marcina jako Prawnika. Był pomocny, profesjonalny i komunikatywny. Poszedłem do Marcina, bo potrzebowałem prawnika mówiącego po angielsku. Byłem bardzo zadowolony z jego zachowania i sposobu, w jaki poprowadził moją sprawę.
ACg8ocJu7x08GFexH 3IvSGqpZku3OOO8k ZRmw44SL5QCRJIEWC2w=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moBartłomiej Jaworski
19:44 20 Feb 24
Fachowa pomoc oraz wsparcie udzielone przez Pana Adwokata. Tylko dzięki jego działaniom sprawa karna została zakończona sukcesem. Z czystym sumieniem polecam usługi Kancelarii Adwokackiej Pana Marcina!
ACg8ocI10wVqL086kUvrU4PtXjniNk005Ks3X JolFVHo3QXzogP Q=s56 c0x00000000 cc rp moAdrianna Antosz
16:15 24 Oct 23
Pan Marcin wykazał się dużą empatią i ogromna dozą cierpliwości tłumacząc mi zawiłą sprawę cywilną. Zasugerował kilka możliwych scenariuszy z wytłumaczeniem konsekwencji każdego z nich. Bardzo polecam:)

Check what he specializes in



Divorce and divorce cases

Representing and conducting divorce cases before courts, including divorce with and without a judgment of guilt, seeking alimony for both the minor children of the parties and the divorced spouse, resolving issues of parental authority and contact with the child, legal advice, preparation of procedural documents. Division of property after divorce, return and settlement of expenses and others


Family and property matters

Representing clients primarily in matters relating to: alimony (increasing, reducing the determination, etc.), establishing and denying paternity, invalidating the recognition of a child, rebutting the presumption of the child's parentage, as well as in matters of contact with the child, as well as limiting and exercising parental authority and others. As well as in cases involving minors


Criminal, misdemeanor and penitentiary cases

I defend defendants in criminal cases, as well as offenses such as driving under the influence of alcohol, causing an accident or road collision, and also represents victims of crime. I also help convicts serving prison terms in penitentiary matters such as: break in sentence, conditional early release and others


Inheritance matters and inheritance proceedings

I conduct cases in the field of inheritance law regarding the declaration of acquisition of inheritance on the basis of a statute and a will, as well as the validity of a will, division of inheritance, abolition of co-ownership, as well as cases regarding compulsory share, bequest, order, I represent in court proceedings, I provide legal advice and prepare pleadings.

prawo pracy adwokat prawnik radca prawny rzeszow

Employee matters

I represent in cases regarding payment of outstanding remuneration, unfair dismissal, and establishment of an employment relationship. As well as establishing an employment relationship and in cases of compensation for accidents at work. I also assist in matters related to reinstatement and appeal against termination of employment


Business matters and companies

I help individual entrepreneurs and companies in the field of broadly understood economic and commercial law, commercial contracts, representation in court of entrepreneurs, disputes with employees and competitors, I help set up and register a business, and I also provide ongoing legal services to entrepreneurs.

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Contact Me

How to start?

See what it's like to work with me


First contact and conversation

It all starts with the first conversation. You can contact me by phone, e-mail or via instant messaging (Skype, WhatsApp, etc.) Don't hesitate, contact me now


Research on your needs

During the conversation, I try to learn about your legal problem. I am checking how I can help you under the law. What solution will be best.


An offer of how I can help you

I offer you a solution to your legal problem and how I can help you. Knowledge and experience help me find the best solution for you. You learn about the deadlines, how long the case will take, the scope of my activities and the valuation of my remuneration


Cooperation with the client

After establishing the principles of cooperation, we establish cooperation and I start working on your behalf. If the case involves appearing before the court, I receive a power of attorney from you, based on which I act.

Contact me

How to find me

Kancelaria Adwokacka
Adwokat Marcin Szmigiel
Aleja Rejtana 53a lokal 108c
35-326 Rzeszów
Budynek CH Respan, poziom 1

How can I help you?

Kancelaria Adwokacka
Adwokat Marcin Szmigiel
Al. Rejtana 53a/108c
35-326 Rzeszów

I operate throughout the country.
Meeting by appointment only. Outside working hours, it is possible to make an individual appointment.